Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Truth Be Told

So I've been debating on whether or not to let the cat out of the bag, but realized, there is no shame in my game and so why not. But..... Bobby and I aren't married. We really wanted to get married, but due to snail mail, it just wasn't possible. We did not get the clearance from Salt Lake to go ahead and take the plunge.

We spent a fair majority of time on our knees praying that the letter of clearance would come in time for the reception, but for whatever reason, no letter. So rather than cancel all our plans for the reception we decided, hey, why not pull the perfect prank. Trick everyone into thinking we are married and make them give us presents. LOL. Just kidding. We decided to go ahead with the reception and get married later. And don't get me wrong, the thought of having a civil marriage crossed our minds, but we put the Kabosh (how do you spell kabosh and I don't think its capitalized) on that thought. I just knew I would cry during the whole ceremony and not because I was happy, but because I had worked my whole life to be married in the temple. So temple marriage or bust.

I'm proud to announce we will be getting married February 6th. Finally. Now when people ask me how married life is going I can honestly answer "Great, but living with a boy is hard!"

Oh and when I'm asked if I've had my first UTI I can also answer "Ew no," and really mean that. But wait I really did mean that when I was asked that question, so never mind.

So if you have seen me and thought, "Wow, she certainly has that just married glow," its probably sweat from either a basketball game or practice. No married glow. Sweat. Gross.

Thanks to everyone for supporting Bobby and I during this time, whether it be by coming to the reception, wishing us well, or an awesome present (wow, everyone, thank y'all so much. Too generous), thank you. I can honestly say this is the happiest I've ever been in my life.


  1. I just threw up in my mouth..sweat,glow,UTI.. Megan woof! lol but dang you really did get A LOT of good presents/money. Could it have been because you didn't write where you were registered on your invitations???? You know you love me!!!!!!!

  2. What's UTI?

    I'm excited for the new date. It's kindof cool you get to have the almost married high for a little longer.

  3. I was wondering when you were going to get to seal the deal. I thought it would be days later, sorry it's been such a wait. YAY, Friday is close enough.

    Oh not everyone gets UTIs, eww. Save that possible joy for pregnancy.

  4. hey girl, sorry you had to go through all that. brent told me he talked to you and he asked about any sexual tension and it pissed you off. haha. i cracked up about that b/c you gave all of us a hard time about that before we got married. hope there's not too much sexual tension. haha
